domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

D&G: Inorganic, Post-Organic, Non-Organic

Deleuze & Guattari


"(...) what metal and metallurgy bring to light is a life proper to matter, a vital state of matter as such, a material vitalism that doubtless exists everywhere but is ordinarily hidden or covered, rendered unrecognizable, dissociated by the hylomorphic model. Metallurgy is the consciousness or thought of the matter-flow, and metal the correlate of this consciousness (...) Even the waters, the grasses and varieties of wood, the animals are populated by salts or mineral elements. Not everything is metal, but metal is everywhere. Metal is the conductor of all matter (...) And thought is born more from metal than from stone: metallurgy is minor science in person, ´vague´ science or the phenomenology of matter. The prodigious idea of Nonorganic Life - the very same idea Worringer considered the barbarian idea par excellence - was the invention, the intuition of metallurgy. METAL IS NEITHER A THING NOR AN ORGANISM, BUT A BODY WITHOUT ORGANS (...)"

D&G, A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia
1980/1987, v. 2
(p. 454 - Treatise on Nomadology)


"(...) Como diz Cage, é próprio do plano que o plano fracasse (...) Então, o plano, plano de vida, plano de escrita, plano e música, etc., só pode fracassar, pois é impossível ser-lhe fiel; mas os fracassos fazem parte do plano, pois ele cresce e decresce com as dimensões daquilo que ele desenvolve a cada vez (planitude com n dimensões)"

D&G, Mil Platôs - v. 4

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