Se, e somente se, "desacelerar é colocar um limite no caos" (D&G, O que é filosofia), então, acelerar, acelerar mais, acelerar bem muito..., então, agenciamentos céleres e acelerativos, então, dispositivos que se propõe a acelerar são...!? Acelerar é cooptar, do caos, um limite para tudo que não está contido dentro dele... Acelerar é tornar a parte-de-dentro o limite, e o lado-de-fora é, justamente, a periferia aberta e não recortada...??? É isso? A experiência é uma máquina célere?
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Sobre Vertigo:
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Citado em:
“Representation, especially when it becomes infinite [like Hegel’s], is imbued with a presentiment of groundlessness. Because it has become infinite in order to include difference within itself, however, it represents groundlessness as a completely undifferenciated abyss, a universal lack of difference, an indifferent black nothingness. For representation began by connecting individuation to the form of the I and the matter of the self…For representation, every individuality must be personal (I) and every singularity individual (Self). Where one no longer says I, individuation also ceases, and where individuation ceases, so too does all possible singularity. Since groundlessness lacks both individuality and singularity, it is therefore necessarily represented as devoid of any difference.”
domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010
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