October 1st, 2011
Dear International Humanistic Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to consider being part of a transformative opportunity that is to take place in Brazil (Summer 2013). We are in the planning stages for an event that will directly follow the International Forum for the Person-Centered Approach (May 26th – June 1st 2013). The event we are imagining would be like a “Humanistic Psychology Summer School” that could bring together students and faculty from around the world. This event would consist of two weeks (Post-Conference, June 2nd – 12th 2013) of workshops, demonstrations, experiential trainings as well as opportunities for field trips, community interactions and most importantly cross-cultural exchanges. Hence, we are speaking of an 18-day program in Brazil, including Conference and Post-Conference activities.
Here is what we are looking for:
· A person at your institution who would be a contact for the “summer school committee”. At first, this might include planning the event and possibly engaging in conference calls that would set the agenda. Later, it may include promoting the opportunity to students and faculty at your school.
· Faculty members who are interested in conducting workshops and/or “mini-courses” that aim at skill building, experiential learning, group and community work, or cross-cultural sharing.
· Persons with the desire to network with other international psychologists. Our goal is to attract both students and faculty members from different continents who are invested in one of the Humanistic Psychologies including but not limited to: Rogerian, Existential, Constructivist, Phenomenological, Experiential, Transpersonal, Biodynamic/Body-oriented, Gestalt, Focusing, Psychodrama, Logotherapy, Integrative, Positive, and Art therapy perspectives.
· Students and professionals belonging to a broad range of Humanistic areas since this “Force” goes beyond Clinical Psychology. We welcome persons involved in Psychotherapy, Counseling, Therapy, Education, Pedagogy, Learning, Social Service, Group Work, Management/Leadership, Nursing, Health/Mental Health, Care & Healing professions, Ecology, Spirituality, Arts and Humanities as well as individuals with personal or research interest on issues of Self-development, Emotions, Meaning, Culture, Diversity, Interpersonal Relations, Social Abilities, Change Processes, among others.
The major goal of this event is to draw together experts and students so that we can learn about different modes and expressions of the Humanistic Psychologies and we can improve our skills, our presence and our conceptual tool-box. In addition, we know we will be enriched by the opportunity of cultural exchange, not just with our Brazilian and Latin-American hosts, but between all the different representatives of countries that we hope will participate at this significant meeting.
Please let us know if you OR someone you know might be interested in this International Program. We would appreciate you asking your graduate students if they might want to get involved with project. Please respond to us by Friday, October 21st, 2011 through email at: school2013humanists@gmail.com if you are interested in this project. We also hope you will join our growing global community on Facebook at “Society for Humanistic Psychology” and “Students of Humanistic Psychology”.
André Feitosa – Brazil (Northeastern Colleges – FANOR)
Yuri Sales – Brazil (Northeastern Colleges – FANOR)
Richard Bargdill – USA (
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