[Once upon a time, men were free and respected. But one day, the creatures moved in. They smelled human bodies were like a sophisticated alchemy machine, able to easily and costless converse pristine water into a red nutritive substance. The creatures from away saw an opportunity of making trade with those beings from other realms: as an exchange from bags of fresh blood and derivates they could collect, these creatures would receive from the ghosts’ consumption a radiant green gem. The creatures who neither had eyes nor brain, started their pilot-pumping violent project: they went to distant and isolated farms where human beings were captured. Every day, from the creatures´ scary claws, rivers of that precious red liquid were conducted into packing machines. Men died, slowly… and new man were needed, for creatures were seeking for more blood. Each and all man has his livinghood arrested and died out of perfect exhaustion: no tears, no blood, no water, no anything remained but warm ashes. The creatures did not care at all. They got richer and richer by saving their new mountains of gems´ commerce. However, they could not realize that while the ghosts were pleasured by savoring their soft human blood drink, because the original liquid was released outside its body-container, now it was expelling a strong acid gas. Ghosts should not mind about it, for they didn´t have any body to be directly affected. But that gas was able to quickly corrode the rare gems as well as to intoxicate the already fragile body of the creatures. More were gems collected – creatures were just so fascinated - more gas was expelled. Men kept dying, and the prophecy of the killing-gas could not be heard by the creatures whose the missing-eyes only stared at the gems, gems, gems... The value of their gems. And the creatures did not stop. There were only a few men left in the towns. During a grey sky night, the remaining wizards stood still with the moon and pledged for the Sea Spirits to borrow them the souls of the brave warriors… for a night only. It was a night of despair, which started when the clouds of the forced-to-dry souls came as ships from the dark-blue waves. Because the creatures had no eyes, they did not see when the ancient souls got closer and closer, they could not hear the thirsty yell of their own stolen life-force… there was no more blood to be paid back. Only sulfur. Gas was revenge. Could be revenge. Blood was lost… as the souls were just lost within their memories and fears. And the old wizards, with their eyes burning as the sun, again pledged for the Sea Spirits to borrow all the water from all the realms… the Spirits didn´t accept for the call left them with no home. The wizards and the sages from all the times joint the pledge, invoking the names of the animals which protected their land, saying the melodies of those days when peace and nature was granted, the spells of the rainbow people, the magic from the peoples of the stars… the lyric seduced the moon which professed to tear days and days if the sea water accepted not be replaced elsewhere… the old Spirits of the Oceans allowed, the water just evaporated and every magical staff, from each and every wizard, collected all the water as radiant wizardry translucid and bright gems. The old sages from all the times melted their spirit within the gems and each sorcerer gave a drop of their own ancient blood as an thanks-offering for the Spirits of the Ocean… and all the Oceans became all deep red. The gas was absorbed by red hurricanes. The souls were fed, were also released. The ghosts were satisfied with all available blood. The wizards offered their gems to the creatures. They left again. From that day one, every night was rainy, and the moon still tear to remember what was done in those times. The wizards are still walking the land and lighting their fire places to remember… They are around.]
The liquids of Gaia are being channeled and disrespected. We are drinking death.
Gaia is dying.
We´re dyin´…
Shall reborn...
* * * * * * *
"Except old seers do feign and wizard wits be blind, the Scots in place must reign where they this stone shall find"
Tá doendo...
ResponderExcluirTem um buraco grande no meu peito...
Tudo dói agora...
fiquei sem saber o que dizer.não gosto da idéia de que nós humanos somos mais responsáveis que os outros animais. por mais absurdo que pareça minha idéia, dizer qeu nós somos responsaveis e que somos antagônicos ao resto da natureza que vive em hamornia com tudo é colocar o ser humano como especial por sua capacidade avantajada...mental...racional. isso apaga todoo resto. talvez não sejamos tão diferentes dos outros animais assim. somos mesmo? não estou dizendo nada. concordo Gaia clama. mas quem pode dizer o que ela realmente quer?
penso que quando se causa dor conscientemente a vida somos sim os diretos responsaveis por nao escolher mudar. mitos e fábulas sao metáforas que tentam evidenciar o que nao pode ser dito. todo animal traduz o mundo de acordo com o aparato que lhe foi concebido pela Vida. nao achei nada absurda sua idéia, Rafael. mas não acho que seja isso que o André quis evocar nessa mensagem. bom, pelo menos em mim evocou outras coisas.
ResponderExcluirAinda doendo...
rafa, eu não sei o que ela quer. mas como animais, mesmo, nós sentimos a dor da vida... nós e todos os outros bichos. sentimos a dor, e, daí, cada um, dentro da sua espécie, oferece suas alternativas para amenizar a intensidade da dor. apenas isso. o fato de sentirmos e reconhecermos essa dor é parte da nossa dimensão legítima da vida. apenas. bjus, com amor
ResponderExcluir´tinho, querido... fique com o meu amor. fique bem.